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import debug from 'debug'
import { basename } from 'path'
import { OnSuccessPayload, Upload, UploadOptions } from 'tus-js-client'
import { stat } from 'fs/promises'
import pMap from 'p-map'
import type { Readable } from 'stream'
import type { UploadProgress } from './Transloadit'
import { AssemblyStatus } from './alphalib/types/assemblyStatus'
const log = debug('transloadit')
export interface Stream {
  path?: string
  stream: Readable
interface SendTusRequestOptions {
  streamsMap: Record<string, Stream>
  assembly: AssemblyStatus
  requestedChunkSize: number
  uploadConcurrency: number
  onProgress: (options: UploadProgress) => void
export async function sendTusRequest({
}: SendTusRequestOptions) {
  const streamLabels = Object.keys(streamsMap)
  let totalBytes = 0
  let lastEmittedProgress = 0
  const sizes: Record<string, number> = {}
  const haveUnknownLengthStreams = streamLabels.some((label) => !streamsMap[label]!.path)
  // Initialize size data
  await pMap(
    async (label) => {
      const { path } = streamsMap[label]!
      if (path) {
        const { size } = await stat(path)
        sizes[label] = size
        totalBytes += size
    { concurrency: 5 }
  const uploadProgresses: Record<string, number> = {}
  async function uploadSingleStream(label: string) {
    uploadProgresses[label] = 0
    const { stream, path } = streamsMap[label]!
    const size = sizes[label]
    let chunkSize = requestedChunkSize
    let uploadLengthDeferred: boolean
    const isStreamLengthKnown = !!path
    if (!isStreamLengthKnown) {
      // tus-js-client requires these options to be set for unknown size streams
      uploadLengthDeferred = true
      if (chunkSize === Infinity) chunkSize = 50e6
    const onTusProgress = (bytesUploaded: number): void => {
      uploadProgresses[label] = bytesUploaded
      // get all uploaded bytes for all files
      let uploadedBytes = 0
      for (const l of streamLabels) {
        uploadedBytes += uploadProgresses[l] ?? 0
      // don't send redundant progress
      if (lastEmittedProgress < uploadedBytes) {
        lastEmittedProgress = uploadedBytes
        // If we have any unknown length streams, we cannot trust totalBytes
        // totalBytes should then be undefined to mimic behavior of form uploads.
          totalBytes: haveUnknownLengthStreams ? undefined : totalBytes,
    const filename = path ? basename(path) : label
    await new Promise<OnSuccessPayload>((resolve, reject) => {
      const tusOptions: UploadOptions = {
        endpoint: assembly.tus_url,
        metadata: {
          assembly_url: assembly.assembly_ssl_url,
          fieldname: label,
        onError: reject,
        onProgress: onTusProgress,
        onSuccess: resolve,
      // tus-js-client doesn't like undefined/null
      if (size != null) tusOptions.uploadSize = size
      if (chunkSize) tusOptions.chunkSize = chunkSize
      if (uploadLengthDeferred) tusOptions.uploadLengthDeferred = uploadLengthDeferred
      const tusUpload = new Upload(stream, tusOptions)
    log(label, 'upload done')
  await pMap(streamLabels, uploadSingleStream, { concurrency: uploadConcurrency })